Chhath Parwa, also known simply as Chhath Puja, is a unique and ancient Hindu festival dedicated to the Sun God (Surya) and his sister, Chhathi Maiya. Celebrated primarily in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and in Nepal’s […]
Tihar Festival 2024: Celebrating Lights, Prosperity, and Traditions in Nepal
Tihar (also known as Deepawali or the Festival of Lights) is one of the most vibrant and widely celebrated festivals in Nepal. Spanning five days, Tihar honors various aspects of life including animals, nature, siblings, and prosperity. It’s a festival […]
Dashain 2024: A Festival of Family, Fun, and Tradition
Dashain is more than just a holiday in Nepal—it’s a time when families come together, traditions are celebrated, and the air is filled with joy. Spanning 15 days, this festival holds deep cultural significance, but more than that, it’s a […]